- HEGEL BY EDWARD CAIRD, LL.D. PROFESSOR OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY, UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON 1883 Caird, Edward, 1835-1908. Hegel. Original ed. issued as v. 7 of Philosophical Classics for English Readers . PREFACE THE main authorities for the life of Hegel are the biographies of Rosenkranz and Hayim, -the former a pupil and devoted disciple of Hegel, the ...www.gwfhegel.org/Books/CAIRD.html
- Chapter from Lukacs ...www.marxists.org/archive/lukacs/works/youngheg/lukacs25.htm
- Georg Hegel (1770-1831) Special thanks to the Microsoft Corporation for their contribution to our site. The following information came from Microsoft Encarta. Here is a hyperlink to the Microsoft Encarta home page. http://www.encarta.msn.com Hegel, G(eorg) W(ilhelm) F(riedrich) (1770-1831), German idealist philosopher, who became one of the most influential thinkers of the 19th century. Hegel ...www.connect.net/ron/hegel.html
- A short discussion on the life and work of the German philosopher, Hegel.www.blupete.com/Literature/Biographies/Philosophy/Hegel.htm