Main | Other Chinese Web Sites Chinese Cultural Studies: Faxian Fa-Hsien: A Record of the Buddhistic Kingdoms (394-414 CE) Fa-hsien (also Fa-hien), which means illustrious master of the 1aw was Chinese Buddhist monk. Orphaned at an early age, Fa-hsien decided to continue the religious life planned for him by his father rather than to be incorporated into the family of his uncle. Little is known ...
Main | Other Chinese Web Sites Chinese Cultural Studies: Han Yu Memorial on Buddhism (819 CE) from Edwin O. Reischauer, Ennin's Travels in T'ang China, (New York: Ronald Press, 1955), pp. 221-24 repr. in Alfred J. Andrea and James H. Overfield, The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Vol 1, 2d. ed., (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994), pp. 187-190 Chinese Buddhism reached its high point of ...
Main | Other Chinese Web Sites Chinese Cultural Studies: In Defense of Buddhism The Disposition of Error (c. 5th Century BCE) from P .T. Welty, The Asians: Their Heritage and Their Destiny, (New York HarperCollins, 1953, 1976), repr. in Kevin Reilly, Readings in World Civilizations, Vol 1, 2d. ed., (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994), pp. 165-70 The Disposition of Error appears to be a defense ...
Main | Other Chinese Web Sites Chinese Cultural Studies: The Legend of Miao-shan In China Kuan-yin (Avalokites\d\ba5()\s\up0(')\d\fo1()vara) came to be most frequently worshipped in female form as the Goddess of Mercy. This transformation from an originally male deity into a female one seems to have occurred sometime during the Northern Sung dynasty (960-1126) and is reflected in Kuan-yin's ...
Main | Other Chinese Web Sites Chinese Cultural Studies: Peter N. Gregory: DOCTRINAL CLASSIFICATION Doctrinal classification (p'an-chiao) has often been said to be the hallmark of Chinese Buddhism. Although this judgment is surely one-sided-ignoring as it does many rich areas of more popular developments-it is certainly no exaggeration when applied to Chinese Buddhist scholastic writing such ...