Women Active in Buddhism What's New! Submit a link Activists Teachers Scholars Women's ordination Events calendar Dharma teachings on the 'Net Projects and groups Bibliography Female Buddhas and bodhisattvas Periodicals and audiovisual resources Ecumenical Links Archived Treats of the Month Famous female Buddhists Miscellaneous Welcome to Women Active in Buddhism (WAiB), the Web's first ...
Women Active in Buddhism What's New! Submit a link Activists Teachers Scholars Women's ordination Events calendar Dharma teachings on the 'Net Projects and groups Bibliography Female Buddhas and bodhisattvas Periodicals and audiovisual resources Ecumenical Links Archived Treats of the Month Famous female Buddhists Miscellaneous Welcome to Women Active in Buddhism (WAiB), the Web's first ...
SkyDancer This site, dedicated to feminist interpretations of Buddhist philosophy and practice, is named in honor of the dakini: an important image of female power in Buddhism. An advanced spiritual being, she moves in a fundamental freedom so spacious in its emptiness that it is like the sky, or like space. The Bibliography continues to grow though not as fast, I'm sure, as the number of books ...
Homepage Jerome Ducor, webmaster LinksPitaka et du Musee d'ethnographie de la Ville de Geneve ...
Yahoo! Groups - Free, easy email groups ...
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Empty dharma friends toronto canada ...
Urban Dharma is a web site focused on Buddhism for urban America.
Bibliography: Women and the female in Buddhism The following is a selection of books about women, the divine feminine , and the female influence in Buddhism. Most of the books are by women, although male authors are also included. Where possible the number of pages and ISBN are given. Please note that, where the author has an ordained name, the last of these is read as a surname . This is not ...