- The web page of Robert E Kennedy S J Roshi. info on Zen, Christianity, Sesshins, and zendos.kennedyzen.tripod.com/#Morningstar
- Elberon Zen Circle, Long Branch NJ. Zen practice for people in the world. Meditation and study in the Soto tradition of Shunryu Suzuki-roshi, founder of San Francisco Zen Center.www.zencircle.org
- Meditation Group / Sangha Practicing sitting and walking meditation... Presbyterian Church at Franklin Lakes Pastor Jack Lohr Mon. Eves. 7:30-9 PM Wed. Morning 8-8:45 AM Fri. Morning 6:30-8 AM Pastor Jack Lohr invites you to visit the Practice Community at Franklin Lakes for sitting and walking meditation. Each session features teachings of Vietnamese Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh (book, ...www.pcfl.org/medit.htm