- The Malcolm Cat Protection Society, on the island of Cyprus, is a protected sanctuary for cats and kittens. They are cared for by volunteers who donate time, money, and food to the cats. MCPS is a registered non-profit organization and relies wholly on donations by public and private individuals. Cats and kittens are fed daily, cared for, given medication when needed, and all are spayed or ...leonardo.spidernet.net/Gaia/1609
- PAPHOS ADONIS LIONS CLUB DISTRICT 117B. N.GREECE/CYPRUS 8 JUNE 2002 LIONS MINI-GOLF COMPETITION SEE SPECIAL EVENTS Since 1 January 2000 you are visitor The Paphos Adonis Lions Club was chartered in February 1996 in the town of Paphos in western Cyprus. Currently membership is 22, of whom 11are ladies. Members originate from different countries including Cyprus, Britain, Switzerland and The ...www.palc.com.cy