- Ramsay's Oration. Initiated in the London Horn Lodge in March 1730, the chevalier de Ramsay was Orator of the Le Louis d'Argent Lodge in Paris. The text below, known under the title of Ramsay's Oration is a speech of welcome he delivered to new initiates. It had considerable influence on French Freemasonry of the eighteenth century. It was published several times and was sent by the Chevalier de ...fm-europe.org/pages/en/pgsfm18.htm
- The Regius Manuscript According to a philosophical study undertaken by British Museum experts , the Manuscript dates from approximately 1390 . Published by James O. Halliwell in 1840, it was mentioned in an inventory of John Theyer s library in 1670. The latter was sold to Robert Scott, with a new inventory dated 1678. The Manuscript then became the property of the Royal Library until 1757 ...fm-europe.org/pages/en/regius.htm