- A digital tribute to ZOS, containing three complete books, including all the illustrations, plus a number of color illustrations.www.banger.com/banger/spare
- A collection of writings and art by A.O. Spare ...noumenon.8m.com/spare
- NURSE WITH WOUND RELATED TEXTS Biographical Audion Guide, 1994 Mailings September 1995 Inspiration The Writings of Isidore Ducasse (en Francais) The Thunder Perfect Mind Some Writings By Austin Osman Spare Anathema of Zos: The Sermon to the Hypocrite The Focus of Life The Book of Pleasure Some Writings About Austin Osman Spare The Sorceries of Zos Austin Osman Spare and the Zos Kia Cultus ...www.brainwashed.com/nww/words.html