- One Thing You Can Do from Nicoll's Commentaries, pp. 369-370 One of the objects of self-observation is actually to observe something. Now I must say here that to take the Work-phrase Man cannot do in such a way that one makes no effort is a very good example of chaotic thinking in the Work. There is one thing that you are told you can do in regard to yourself and that is that you can observe ...kesdjan.com/exercises/1tycd.html
- Opposite Attitudes from Nicoll Commentaries , pp. 1263-4 On one occasion I asked Gurdjieff, through an interpreter, whether it was necessary for everything to be overcome in oneself. He said: No and seemed then to speak in an indirect way more of the necessity of creating new attitudes to things so that, so to speak, it was comparable to crossing from one side to the other, as when crossing ...kesdjan.com/exercises/oa.html
- Relaxation from Nicoll's Commentaries, pp 1252 and 809 We are taught to practise relaxation. In some situations it is the only thing we can practise--just to relax and not think. Begin with the small muscles of the face. Yes-- but to relax the muscles of the face it is necessary to become conscious that they are tightened or contracted. A muscle can tighten without visibly contracting. It can be ...kesdjan.com/exercises/relax.html