Muslim Answers is dedicated to presenting the pure teachings of Islam, correcting misconceptions about Islam and refuting the lies and distortions of Christian missionaries and Orientalists.
Christianity, Islam, Ismaili, Jesus, Muhammad, Aga Khan, Atheism, Bible, Quran, Koran, Paul, Trinity, Shiah, Sunni, AKDN, Taliban, Imam, Crucifixion, Evolution, Repeated Creation of Species ...
Jews for Allah exist to make the Messiahship of Jesus and Salvation of Allah an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide. Includes Free Downloads, bios of Jews who believe in Allah, Muhammad and more.
Join our mailing list! NEW NEW June 2002 NEW CSID/USIP JOINT SYMPOSIUM NEW on Islam & Democracy More info on Joint Symposium with United States Institute of Peace June 18, 2002 , 10-12 Noon CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS CSID 2002 3rd Annual Conference Democratization and Political Violence in Muslim Societies Click here for the 2002 Conference abstracts. 2002 Call for Papers & Program. January 2002 ...
Using the Bible, the Qur'an, other early sources from history, as well as Muslim-Christian dialogue and debate material, this website will enable the truth-seeker to decide the truth.
The Islamic Comparative Analysis Site on Islam and Christianity Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. Holy Qur'an 16:125 View Guestbook Sign Guestbook Click here to join the new Jamaat Forum Subscribe Unsubscribe Join ...
Our God is One. The messengers of Allah and their importance to mankind. The true mission of Jesus and the distorted teachings.Mohamed's arrival is The Gospel of Jesus. Mohamed foretold in the Old Testament. Jesus was neither killed nor crucified.
PeNkaLai k talikki r e n A page dedicated to the finer aspects of spiritual eros and the mystical inner paths of Sufi Islam, Yoga, and Tantra, and the Divine Feminine within the heart of these traditions I love women Why I love women It is the unifying theme of my presentation here. To me, women are the supreme manifestation of the Divine Feminine in this world. Their presence is a neverending ...
Q___|____\ __| | | . |__Q____\ __| | (_|__|__| | Q_|__|__|___) ___/ : / |___| / ___/ . _/ _/ WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT MOHAMMED (PEACE BE UPON HIM) THE PROPHET OF ISLAM A lecture by Ahmed Deedat SAY: DO YOU SEE WHETHER THIS MESSAGE BE FROM ALLAH (God Almighty), AND YET YOU REJECT IT, AND A WITNESS FROM AMONG THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL BORE WITNESS OF ONE LIKE HIM....... (Holy Qur'an 46:10). (see ...
A MULSLIM GUIDE TO COUNTERING JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. Step by Step instructions to defend your deen against the Christianity's most prolific of sects.
Comments on Dr. M S M Saifullah's site Islamic Awareness In comparison to other sites of Muslim reactions to Answering Islam , the Islamic Awareness site contains some of the most intelligent answers available on the web in response to a few issues on Christian web sites or discussion topics from the newsgroups. Dr. M S M Saifullah and his team have done some good research and we are grateful ...
Pakistan Link, the largest American-Pakistani weekly newspaper ...