- THE LADINO LANGUAGE You're speaking just like Cervantes, he said. I was in a cantina in Madrid in 1957. I met a man there, he was a reporter. We were conversing over a few drinks. I understood his puzzlement and had to explain. I was speaking the Spanish dialect I had learned at home. The dialect, or maybe it is a separate language, is commonly called, Ladino. More properly it should be referred ...home.earthlink.net/~benven/ladino.html
- Jewish World Review Oct. 20, 1998 / 1 Mar-Cheshvan, 5759 Dr. Jay Levinson Ladino --- a language destined to be lost THE RACE IS ON to save the treasures of Ladino. This is the way Avner Peretz, Director of the Institute of Ladino in the Jerusalem suburb of Maale Adumim described his efforts to record the the Sephardic equivalent of Yiddish before much of it vanishes. In this spirit Peretz, a ...www.jewishworldreview.com/0798/ladino1.asp