- An international support and informational site for any who have left the Jehovah's Witness Organization; are considering leaving; or simply for those interested in the Jehovah's Witnesses.exjehovahswitnessforum.yuku.com
- Watchers of the Watch Tower World is featured by Free Minds, Inc., a non-profit organization watching the Watchtower sect (Jehovahs Witnesses). ...www.freeminds.org
- Witty compassionate advice from a former JW to new ex-Jehovah's Witnesses ...www.virushead.net/exjw.html
- SEARCH THIS SITE Welcome to my personal journal. Articles on this website are continually being shortened and enlarged. God and truth don't change, but my perception does. Moving away from fundamental views to Mystical and Universal views presents a lot of editing. (Smile) RICHARD SCHWARTZ Lightbearer The Gaean Conspiracy is based on the following major premise: The Earth is a single living ...www.escapefromwatchtower.com