- The Talk.Origins Archive: exploring the creation/evolution controversy from a mainstream scientific perspective ...www.talkorigins.org
- The NCSE is devoted to defending the teaching of evolution, primarilly against attacks by 'Creation Science'.www.natcenscied.org
- The Geology of Gentry's Tiny Mystery J. Richard Wakefield jrwakefield@msn.com (Converted for HTML using FrontPage 97 in March of 1997, colour images are for this website) (Originally published in the May 1988 Issue of the Journal of Geological Education) ABSTRACT The unusual polonium halos described by Robert Gentry have been a problem for some years now. Gentry claimed that the polonium halos ...www.csun.edu/~vcgeo005/gentry/tiny.htm
- God, Evolution, and the Big Bang ...www.lightandmatter.com/evolution/index.html
- Do you really believe in ...www.dynopower.freeserve.co.uk/homepages/creation.htm