- Inuit Culture Worldwide@ (13)
- Nunavut@ (1)
- Organizations (1)
- NOTICE TO LABRADOR INUIT ASSOCIATION MEMBERS LIA is in the process of updating its membership files. Members are requested to provide their current address so that information, notices or ballots can be delivered as necessary. Your cooperation is appreciated. Contact: Regina Dicker Membership Clerk Labrador Inuit Association P.O. Box 70 Nain, Labrador AOP 1LO Telephone 709-922-2942 Fax ...www.nunatsiavut.com
- Streaming media website from a remote camp on Baffin Island ...nunatinnit.net
- Jane Tagak's Homepage Inuit Culture: Resources for Educators I am a long term northern resident and educator and have prepared this page as a resource for elementary school social studies teachers. The Arctic and the Inuit have experienced major changes in the past few years. Many texts and curriculum guides may not reflect the current northern cultural and political environment. There is a wide ...www.nunanet.com/~jtagak/resources
- www.nunanet.com/~jtagak/history