Online Pagan Community ...
Fine, dark pagan satire. bellowing crones, drumming crones, flame-throwing crones. let the death crones guide you through the darkness of pagandom. feel the power of the darkness... enter the realm of the death crones The following banner ads are rotating exchanges -- they pop up here, our banner pops up on other esoteric sites worldwide. We have no control over the content of the individual ...
Mnemosyne Sacred Drama Guild We are a group of enthusiastic Portland, Oregon, amateurs who, since 1994, have produced an annual dramatic event as a benefit for the restoration of the Stonehenge Monument near Goldendale, Washington. The name Mnemosyne (pronounced nuh-moz'-uh-nee) belongs to the Greek Goddess of Memory, and was chosen because Guild productions recall ancient mythologies (and ...
Panic! Brixton Poetry is an on-line magazine of poetry & art based in Brixton, South London.
The Chocolate Ritual Copyright 1993, John Shepard, Performed at Dragonfest, August 1993 Materials required: On the altar there are brown candles, a Tootsie Roll (the great big one---as the athame), a large glass with milk in it (the chalice), a small dish of Nestle's Quik and a spoon, a small dish of chocolate sprinkles, a plate of cupcakes and some Yoo-Hoo along with a goblet. CLEANSE THE ...
Oh, the trials of being a witch! Grizelda is learning to be a witch on a solitary path. So, between her trouble with spelling, misunderstanding terms and some outright mistakes, she causes some hilarious witch-incidents! Laugh as Grizelda attempts wicca spells, pagan holidays celebrations and the learning of witchcraft; so come on in and join us for the Witch Trials of Grizelda!