- Why Gender Tree In our culture we tend to think in terms of a dichotomy when we think of gender, Female or Male. I was in a really boring meeting one day and realized I am as guilty of this sort of thinking, even thought I am gender variant . I realized we need a new model that was three dimensional, and visualized a tree with its almost infinite branchings. The body of Christ is divided all ...www.gendertree.com
- Whosoever an Online News Journal For Gay Lesbian and Bisexual Christians gives you a first hand look at how gay lesbian and bisexual Christians look at our world. Every other month Whosoever takes a look at issues affecting gay lesbian and bisexual Christians and how they can respond to the world with the love of Christ. ...www.whosoever.org/v2Issue2/index.html
- A Christian newsletter for the transgendered.members.tgforum.com/bobbyg/tgfgnl.html
- Welcome to A Kindred Spirit Lakeside. This website is a consolidation of works that I hope present the user with a focal point when dealing with gender issues. Through the links and our pages we strive to overcome the stigma so often associated with this as it is only through the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding that this is possible. The name A Kindred Spirit seems most ...kindredspiritlakeside.homestead.com