- PAKEHA, ITS ORIGIN AND MEANING by Jodie Ranford Families, like trees, grow and develop with their surroundings. Seeds are blown by the wind and new trees are born elsewhere. Roots sink into the ground from which the new tree draws life. Children, like branches, stretch out. Families and trees have similar destinies (Mirella Ricciardi African Saga, cited in King, 1985, p8) This paper discusses ...maorinews.com/writings/papers/other/pakeha.htm
- Home | foreword | roll of honour | the poems I THE PAKEHA I the Pakeha have never felt the throb and pulse of earth beneath my naked feet upon the sands of this your land. I the Pakeha have never heard the tapu prayed, called down high amongst the kauris' thighs, nor gazed upon the mystery of Tane in the sky. I the Pakeha have never heard the calling of the brilliant seas, nor felt the power of ...www.maori2000.com/moller/pakeha.htm