English Trainingszeiten: Von April bis November jeden Mittwoch um 19.30 Uhr am Sportplatz Kundl. Jede(r) ist willkommen! Kontakt: OLD SOX ...
Ultimate Frisbee ist eine Frisbeesportart aus USA und wird 7 gegen 7 auf einem fu ballfeldgro em Spielfeld gespielt.
Mr.Friz est le club d'ultimate frisbee de Rennes.
The unique ultimate frisbee club in Geneva, the Wizards ...
Homepage of the searching woodpeckers ultimate frisbee team in upper bavaria ...
Ultimate Frisbee Team Red I's Sarnen Switzerland. All information about disc-sport in Sarnen, Switzerland and worldwide.
Homepage der Radical Frisbee Flyers Zurich. Ultimate-Team in Zurich (CH). Du willst Ultimate spielen im Raum Zuerich Email uns.
This page is http://wol.ra.phy.cam.ac.uk/ultimate/gbm/ . Great Britain Masters: The Overflow Team 1999 A team named Overflow formed for the World Clubs, 1999, in St Andrews. Game results: 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Worlds 2000 The GB Masters squad for 2000 is being organised by Wayne Davey. The new email list is gb_masters@listbot.com. Some images for the GB 2000 training program are here.
This is the virtual home of RazFaz, an Ultimate Frisbee team from Berlin, Germany. Here you can find practise times, contact addresses, some links and more.
Welcome to Flying Saucers Luzern, we are switzerland's oldest Ultimate Frisbee sport club.
Indoor and Outdoor Ultimate Welcome to the website of the Angels Ultimate Club. Angels is a co-ed ultimate club based in South London with players from all over the city. We practice every week and play in most tournaments. Simon Barry 135 Southwyck House Brixton SW9 8TW 020 7 733 8155 sibarry@hotmail.com North-South Divide Simon Brasse M 07775 771 221 brasseman@hotmail.com       ...
HIER GEHTS ZUR DEUTSCHEN VERSION Welcome Congratulations for digging up our wonderful web page! We're still trying hard to be the the most relaxed Ultimate team in Berlin. Everybody unaware of Ultimate, so far, is encouraged to read an online introduction. The rest of this page contains little information on the game itself, but some facts on Discipuli you might find interesting. Frequently ...
The homepage of Hammerage London Ultimate Frisbee Club, we are based in Regents park, central London.
Homepage von HOT LOVE Berlin ...