- Open Elite Women Elite Open Easterns Women Easterns Home 2001 Boston Invitational Devens, Massachusetts June 2-3 See PHOTOS from the weekend RESULTS... Women's Elite: Colorado Rare Air over Lady Godiva Men's Elite - DoG over Thermonuke Elite/EasternsCrossover - Red Tide over Blackjack Easterns - No Mas over Hot Flash Easterns lower bracket - Suspicious Package over Big Dig Bob Ericson, Licensed ...www.buda.org/club/bostoninvitational
- Tell me when this page is updated NMH Jamboree A one day tournament planned for April 29th at Northfield Mount Hermon School. Three games in 3 hours. A very intense day. Team's Attending NMH Flaked Tuna Amherst Varsity What's that smell Tuna .. Rivalry... Amherst JV Beaver Country Day The JV team from one of the Ultimate Capitals of the World. (it's a Boston thing) Greenfield Newton North They ...flakedtuna.tripod.com/page3.html