Master Brian Gray and Shao Lin San Kung Fu School, a subsidiary of Brian Gray Enterprises, Inc., bring you an on-line version of the Brian Gray Enterprises' Catalog.
HOME ABOUT BREAKING COMBATIVE MARTIAL ARTS CONDITIONING BREAKING METHODS PICS / VIDEOS TRAINING SUPPLIES LINKS GUESTBOOK & FORUM CONTACT ME CHINESE IRON PALM METHOD (GUNG FU) Remember, training is not recommended at all for those under 16 years of age. Those individuals under 18 years of age must get permission from a parent or guardian before starting training. Always consult a physician before ...
Iron Palm I In Huc Chung, the iron palm is done with a coordination of physical hand strikes coupled with the use of the mind. The five traditional hand strikes used are: The whole cupped hand The finger tips The knife edge The bottom edge of the palm The back of the hand Here is the start. First, make a striking bag by cutting a pair of men's jeans off at the upper thigh. Make a second cut at ...
An article about how Iron Palm can effect various sports performance.