- home.netvigator.com/~hasher/khrunlst.htm
- Taipa - Macau H3 Macau Hash runs every Thursday , meeting point is the Irish Bar on Taipa at 19h00. The last thursday of the the month is run on the Saturday after, 15h00 at the Irish Bar-Taipa or as advertised on the mailing list. We no longer check the Irish Bar before our Sat Runs , so visiting hashers should make contact with us before they arrive for a weekend hash. The Hash program is ...home.netvigator.com/~hasher/macau.htm
- Established November 12th, 1984. Shenzhen, People'sRepublicofChina Welcome Our World ! This page will tell you all about what the Shekou Hash is, who to contactto get info, when we run, walk, ride, drink and eat. It's a bit out of date tho' so someone needs to work on it ! Howto Find Us - Everybody Welcome!!!, Backpackers, Tourists, Thrill Seekers...... SH3Contacts Backto Hashes of Hong Kong ...home.netvigator.com/~hasher/sheklst.htm