Fabrisia's Boschetto is dedicated to Stregheria or Strega, Italian Witchcraft, but also contains general information about Correllian Wicca and Witchcraft for new and experienced seekers.
This website contains information regardiding the Aridian Tradition and the Arician Ways, as documented by author and Elder, Raven Grimassi. It is the home of Clan Umbrea on the web. ...
11-11-01 'Il Sussurro Delle Streghe' chiude. Dopo tre anni, per il momento, ho deciso di interrompere qui l'attivit di questo sito. Al momento non ho la serenit , e la tranquillit , necessarie per poter dare a chi cerca delle informazioni utili, fornire degli spunti, invitare a delle riflessioni. Pu sembrare triste, sentir dire la parola 'chiudere', ma nella vita non esiste niente di definitivo, ...
Strega la Sorcie is dedicated to Stregheria, Italian Witchcraft, but also contains general information about Pagan and Wiccan Witchcraft for new and experienced seekers. La Vecchia also contains versione Italia.
Stregheria~ In the fourteenth-century, a Wise Woman who called herself Aradia brought back a revival of the Old Religion, La Vecchia Religione. In central Italy, witches of old worshipped the goddess Diana and her consort, the god Dianus. In Italy, Witches do not use the word Sabbat for their seasonal rites. The Italian word is Trequenda (tray-gwen-da). There are eight Treguendas that make the ...