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- Schuler Chat Forum AGs Prufungen Schuljahr Fotoalbum Professoren Liste Schule Geschichte Tradition Partnerschulen Statistik Absolventen Klassentreffen Kontakt Sekretariat Webmaster Das Samuel von Brukenthal Gymnasium (Sibiu/Hermannstadt, Rum nien) ist eine ffentliche Schule mit Unterricht in der Sprache der deutschen Minderheit. Es ist dem rum nischen Ministerium fur Nationale Erziehung durch ...brukenthal.ro
- WELCOME TO SIBIU, Romania This web page is friendly hosted in France by Doctor and Mrs. Ioan Florin Dumitrescu in our personal WebSite Sibiu is a medieval town situated in Transylvania province, in the center of Romania, surrounded by the Carpati mountains. It is a wellknown cultural and tourist center. Its reputation is internationally recognized through its medieval buildings as the Brukenthal ...home.nordnet.fr/~idumitrescu/sibiu.html