Mathematics research resources, such as societies, publications, conferences, funding, and newsgroups.
Information for readers of sci.math.research Our welcome message has important information about how to post an article to sci.math.research, what to post, and other matters pertaining pertaining to the newsgroup itself. Web resources for the Internet mathematician A comprehensive list of mathematical web, gopher, and ftp sites. This page is maintained at Penn State and has pointers to a rapidly ...
MSC2000 The following mathematics subject classification, MSC2000, is the revision of the 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC), which is the classification that has been used by the two reviewing journals Mathematical Reviews (MR) and Zentralblatt MATH (Zbl) since the beginning of 1991. MSC2000 is the result of a collaborative effort by the editors of MR and Zbl to update the ...
Referativni Zhurnal Classification Scheme Translated by Bogdan Dudzik With the editorial assistance of Andrei Iacob and Smilka Zdravkovska PRELIMINARY VERSION -- 29 August 1995 Updated Tue, Aug 29, 1995. Feedback to mathweb at MR This classification was prepared as a piece of the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) which covers all knowledge in a fairly uniform way. RzhMat Classification 271 ...