A leader in scientific algorithmsPerfectly Scientific, Inc. has easy-to-use software, some forfree and some for sale.
The Colorado Kidd - A research organization that provides the service of engineering consulting primarily concerned with mathematics.
We will provide you with a quick, reliable assessment of any mathematical difficulties you may have, whether they are based in business, science, engineering, finance, modelling or any other area. Simply provide us with a clear definition of the problem faced, and an indication of the information available. We will then tell you whether the problem, as posed, is solvable. If it is not, we will ...
BIENVENUE - WELCOME Les Directions du Marketing, de la Recherche et du Developpement, de la Productique et Fabrication, sont frequemment confrontees des t ches complexes. NEXYAD met en oeuvre son savoir faire pour proposer des solutions efficaces couts maitrises. pour visiter la version francaise de notre site cliquez ici Big companies departments (market surveys, research & development, ...