Interactive light installation by Chaos Computer Club on the Haus des Lehrers building in Berlin. Play Pong and do your own animations.
Online-Galerie der Grafikerin und Fotografin Karin Kuhlmann. Ausgewahlte digitale Arbeiten, die seit 1996 am Computer entstanden sind: 3D-Bilder, Foto Paintings, Blumenbilder, Fraktale und abstrakte Arbeiten.
The largest german database for graffiti on trains, with a main focus on Berlin. Additional european panels and wholecars (over 1000 pictures) ...
Graffiti portfolio from wow 123 living in bremen/germany.
Illustrationen, Fotografie, Composing und Cartoons fur Verlage Werbeagenturen und, und ..
Christoph Noebel, London-based German artist, creating collages, photomontages and mixed media ...