- The Coastal Protection and Restoration Division of NOAA focuses on cleaning up and restoring coastal habitats and ecosytems affected by hazardous waste, toxic chemicals, and contaminants.response.restoration.noaa.gov/cpr/cpr.html
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada-Pacific Region Fish Management Homepage has information on Aboriginal, Commercial and Sport Fishing in British Columbia.www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/ops/fm/shellfish/Biotoxins/biotoxins.htm
- LimCo International is a creative consulting and research bureau specialised in aquatic ecology, pollution assessment and pollution control. LimCo International ist eine kreative Beratungs-und Forschungs-Einrichtung, spezialisiert in Gewasserokologie, Untersuchungen zur Diagnose und Sanierung von Gewasserverschmutzung und Wasserqualitatsuberwachung.www.limco-int.com
- A review of the use of enzyme induction in aquatic organisms to detect water pollution. Part of an MSc Research thesis.www.brighton73.freeserve.co.uk/tomsplace/scientific/msc-thesis/mst-revi.htm
- www.glec-online.com