With the support of the Flax Council of Canada, flax serves a myriad of uses worldwide. This site endeavours to provide general flax facts of interest to consumers, as well as more specialized information for nutritionists, dietitians, food producers, manufacturers and flax growers. The site strives to be a practical and interesting guide to this versatile Canadian crop. Flax Family Favourites ...
Flax Production in North Dakota: history and use, growth and development, growing the crop, ND flax variety descriptions, pest control, harvesting and storage, and seed flax straw ...
Back to HYPP Zoology home page . . . Flax, Linseed Linum usitatissimum L. (Linaceae). Fr: Lin; Ge: Flachs; Sp: Lino; It: Lino; Pt: Linho. . - Annual plant, 40 to 80 cm in height that is often found growing wild in fields and beside roads. The fruit is a capsule containing less than 10 seeds whose oil content varies from 35 to 45% (*) . - It is cultivated either as a textile plant, for the fibres ...