Introduction to ICES ...
Jaegersborgvej 64-66, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby - Phone: +45 33 96 33 00, Fax: +45 33 96 33 49 Information: - Webmaster: Photo by Stig Mellergaard; the photo shows eel gills infected with Pseudodactylogyrus, a monogeneous fluke. Best seen in: Danmarks Fiskeriunders gelser DFU Danish Institute for Fisheries Research DIFRES ...
North Sea Centre Introduction News Institutions Facilities Contact Welcome to the North Sea Centre The North Sea Centre is a Danish research and development centre providing research, development, consultancy services, and technical support to public and private institutions and companies within the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. The North Sea Centre is a private foundation. The centre was ...
The Fisheries Laboratory The main tasks of the Fisheries Laboratory are to carry out research in fishery biology, oceanography, and aquaculture, to advise the authorities and industry, and to report on the research results. The investigations which are carried out provide a basis for the most responsible exploitation of the fish stocks around the Faroes. Assessments are made of the most ...