Full Story Inside News Story Archive DROUGHT WORSENS IN WEST, EASES IN EAST NOAA Issues Outlook For Summer; Unveils New Fire Detector on NOAA Satellite The hot, dry conditions, which have fueled raging wildfires in several western states, are expected to hang on through September, according to the latest seasonal outlook from NOAA's National Weather Service. Along the East Coast, forecasters ...
Welcome to the DEFRA web site Enter the site If you would like to go to the UK online Citizen Portal, click here. ...
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is the largest independent oceanographic research institution in the United States. This world-renowned institution blends the diverse expertise of professionals in many disciplines to advance knowledge of our ocean planet and our marine environment.
Bitte aktivieren Sie JavaScript! Personen Inhalt Publikationen So sch n ist Eis Drei Gro bildinstallationen bringen die Landschaft der Pole an die Weser. Und die 'Polarstern' legt am AWI-Hauptgeb ude an. Mehr... Eis und Meer zu Ende Rund 8000 Menschen von nah und fern besuchten uns in den Tagen von Eis und Meer. Fotos.. Veranstaltung: 15 Jun, 2002 - 17 Jun, 2002 - Bremerhaven . - ...
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) carries out interdisciplinary scientific investigations in oeanography and atmospheric science. ...
A unique oceanographic research center that promotes a peer relationship between engineers and scientists. MBARI uses state-of-the-art equipment and methods to study the ocean and its environment.
Search SOC Web Site: Search Options    | People Search (internal users only) E-mail the webmaster Excellence in research and education in ocean and earth sciences Shortcuts: How to Find Us About the Centre Expertise at the SOC Seminars and meetings at SOC Information Technology Group Notices & Vacancies Information for Schools SOC Summer School Laboratory for Satellite Oceanography ...
NIWA is New Zealand's leading provider of atmospheric and aquatic science and associated commercial services.
The Institute is a component of the College of William and Mary. The Graduate Program is conducted by the School of Marine Science. The purpose of the School is to provide quality education and scholarly research to students pursuing advanced degrees (M.S. and Ph.D.) in marine science.
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University is dedicated to understanding how planet Earth works, in all of its physical manifestations.
Last updated: 12/08/02 QUICK JUMP TO PROGRAMMES: SELECT AN IOC PROGRAMME... WHAT IS THE IOC ....The Structure ....Governing Bodies ....Member States ....Subsidiary Bodies ....Secretariat OCEAN SCIENCE - Introduction ....Benthic Indicators Group ....Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) ....IOC Harmful Algal Bloom Programme (HAB) ....Oceans and Climate ....Science for Ocean Ecosystems and ...
Webster@rsmas.miami.edu ...
Maryland Sea Grant provides the people, tools and technology to help protect and make wise of our coastal waters.
Advanced subs, ships, and laboratories facilitate ocean research and marine education at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution.
Introduction to ICES ...
TAMU Oceanography web-site ...
CSIRO Marine Research is helping Australians understand its oceans by conducting research in the sustainable use of Australia's marine resources, the ocean's role in climate, and the effective conservation of the marine ecosystem integrity. 30 May - Evidence now overwhelming on Climate Change 13 May - Seafood retains healthy oils after cooking: CSIRO 18 April - World first view of underwater ...
Home | About GBRMPA | Critical Issues | Information Services | Permits | Marine Park Management Adv. Search | Sitemap Welcome to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Online. This site is the gateway for information on all aspects of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and World Heritage Area. Hot Issues... Aquaculture Permits Coral Bleaching Mission Beach Trawl Closure area Plans of ...
Marine Sciences Research Center Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000 (tel) 631-632-8700 (fax) 631-632-8820 URL: www.msrc.sunysb.edu Copyright 2000 Marine Sciences Research Center Stony Brook University Webmaster: George E. Carroll Last Updated 10/04/01 ...
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission) Katajanokanlaituri 6 B FIN-00160 Helsinki Tel: +358-9-6220 220 Fax: +358-9-6220 2239 SEARCH HELCOM: Welcome to the HELCOM News Portal! The Helsinki Commission Recommendations Publications DPS Press room HELCOM Atlas HELCOM NEWS 01.08.2002 BALEX DELTA 2002 - HELCOM s international oil spill response exercise 01.07.2002 Former ...
As a university center of excellence in naval science and technologies, with preeminence in undersea missions and related areas, the Applied Research Laboratory provides solutions to problems in national security, economic competitiveness, and quality of life. In fulfillment of this mission the Laboratory... 1.)Conducts basic and applied research, exploratory development, and advanced ...
Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, POL, NERC, marine science, research, monitoring, forecasting, tidal predictions, Birkenhead UK ...
The University of Delaware Graduate College of Marine Studies ranks among the top marine education institutions in the United States. Dive in and learn more about the college's research, academic programs, and public education activities.
The College of Marine Sciences (COMS) is The University of Southern Mississippi's provider of marine-related research, education and public service.
Departments and Research Groups The Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University provides national and international leadership in marine science and is New Jersey's focal point for education, research, and service efforts in estuarine, coastal, and ocean environments. IMCS is dedicated to developing, communicating, and understanding processes governing change and ...
About the Department -- Welcome -- 2001 highlights -- What's new May 17, 2002 Our People . .- Faculty - Staff - Grads - Assoc Fac Undergraduate Programs . New - B.Sc. Majors in EOS Graduate Programs EOSC Course Information Research Resources Employment in EOS Quick links: | Seminars | Weekly News | Atmos. Sci. | Lithoprobe | MDRU | Internal Dep't Info | EOS 10yr plan | Contact us at ...
SEA offers college level semester at sea, high school, and teacher programs focusing on oceanography, maritime studies, marine biology, sailing tall ships, and the environmental study of oceans.
About us News Staff directory Vacancies Seminars Undergraduate MSc PhD Short courses SOC Summer Research School Contact us Find us Schools Liaison Alumni SOC University Internal or check the site contents Welcome Stop press.... Southampton rated 6th for Geology and 4th for Environmental subjects (including Oceanography) in the 2002 Times Good University Guide, in addition to our Grade 5A in the ...
University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Department of Marine Science, Marine Education Service ...
The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office is the world's premier supplier of Admiralty charts and publications.
Ocean Applications ...
Florida Marine Research Institute ...
Overview Investigators Facility for Individual Particle Analysis Center for Culture of Phytoplankton Remote Sensing FlowCAM Extreme Research Web links, courses, etc. Mats in the Pacific Read about RoMP Learn about our Keller-BLOOM high school program Apply for the Maureen D. Keller Scholarship Overview, LIBRARY Virtual Vacationland Gaia Crossroads Hatch to Catch Ship Mates Bottom o' Food Web ...
Institutt for fiskeri- og marinbiologi (IFM) holder til i H yteknologisenteret i Bergen. Instituttet har som form l drive forskning og gi undervisning innen fagomr dene marinbiologi, fiskeribiologi og akvakultur inkl. fiskehelse. Hurtig linker til noen av sidene v re Seminar IFM Bulletin Board LSF Batmare Sarsia Norske navn p marine evertebrater Norad diploma course Velkommen til IFMs ...
Visitors since June 25, 1998 Welcome to the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the University of Michigan Announcements The 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering International Student Offshore Design Competition (ISODC) for Undergraduate Students SNAME and ASNE announce joint Lisnyk Ship Design Competition for 2001-2002 Faculty ...
School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor, courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students, marine research ...
Marine Conservation Biology Institute...Protecting Ocean Life Through Science and Conservation Advocacy ...
Dauphin Island Seal Lab, Estuarium, Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium, Marine Science, Oceanography, Marine Ecology, Marine Science Summer Programs.
Breakthrough in Mussel Industry domesticating the greenshell mussel __________________________ Cow crossings & water quality - new Sherry River bridge solves a pollution problem _________________________ Dr Henry Kaspar receives NZ Science & Technology Medal _________________________ Cawthron Institute 98 Halifax Street East Nelson, New Zealand Phone: +64 3 556 2319 Fax: +64 3 546 9464 ...
Operating under the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University in cooperation with the University of New Hampshire at Durham, the Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML) offers a unique opportunity for students to experience marine science. Located on 95-acre (38.44 hectare) Appledore Island, Isles of Shoals in the Gulf of Maine, this near-pristine environment allows students to study ...
PAOS provides an educational and research environment to exaimine the dynamical, physical and chemical processes that occur in the atmosphere and the ocean.
Hopkins Marine Station Of Stanford University Oceanview Boulevard, Pacific Grove, CA 93950-3094 (831) 655-6200, FAX (831) 375-0793, EMail: infomarinestanfordedu About Hopkins Marine Station Hopkins Marine Station is a marine biology research and educational facility that operates as a branch of Stanford University's Department of Biological Sciences. Founded in 1892, Hopkins was the first marine ...
The Cenre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, CEFAS, is a UK-based research and consultancy centre. We provide services in fisheries science and management, environmental monitoring and assessment, fish farming, fish health, disease and hygiene to clients around the world. ...
The British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) is a component of the UK Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC's) environmental data centre network and has designated responsibility for UK marine data. It is also part of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission's (IOC's) network of national oceanographic data centres.
The marine laboratory of the University of Maine Welcome About the DMC Damariscotta River Estuary Directions to the DMC Campus Map DMC Directory Education Undergraduate Semester by the Sea Summer internships Field Trip Program Graduate Students and projects Summer courses Research Faculty Publications Data Sets Visiting investigators Facilities Classrooms & Lab Space Conference Center ...
College of Marine Science Information ...
THE CENTRE HIGHLIGHTS of SACLANTCEN S CONTRIBUTIONS to NATO HUMAN RESOURCES/VACANCIES WHERE WE ARE RESEARCH FACILITIES PUBLICATIONS MODELS INFORMATION FOR SUPPLIERS NEWS & EVENTS NATO CDE Copyright 2002 - All rights reserved - SACLANT Undersea Research Centre Viale San Bartolomeo 400, 19138 La Spezia (SP), ITALY Tel: +39.0187.527-1 (Main Switchboard) - Fax: +39.0187.527-700 - Email: ...
The Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia Website ...
Home News Government Centres & Resources Knowledge Base International Inter-Agency Committee on Marine Science and Technology Welcome to our website! Your easy access to marine information in the UK and worldwide. The IACMST maintains an overview of marine activities across Government. It encourages links between Government and the national marine community, the wider application of marine ...
This is the Florida State University, Dept. of Oceanography ...
Hans.G.Hansson@tmbl.gu.se or Lars.-Ove.Loo@tmbl.gu.se Local Date and Time: / View from TMBL during local daytime in large or huge size accesses since November 21, 1998. Latest sea water tC & S , latest insolation. ...
Aloha and Welcome to the Oceanography Department at the University of Hawaii! GENERAL DESCRIPTION The University of Hawaii is situated in the beautiful valley of Manoa on the Island of Oahu. The Department of Oceanography, in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology ( SOEST ), is housed in a modern six story building with well equipped laboratories and other facilities for research ...
A marine laboratory in the Puget Sound region of the eastern North Pacific University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories 620 University Road Friday Harbor, WA 98250 (206) 543-1484 or (360) 378-2165 Fax: (206) 543-1273 General Information Opportunities for Students Opportunities for Researchers K-12 Outreach Conferences & Field Trips Whiteley Center FAQs about FHL Links to Related Pages FHL ...
NTF Australia ...
University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602 USA An interdisciplinary department of biological, chemical, and physical oceanography, with special emphasis on coastal and estuarine processes Graduate Program Graduate Courses Undergraduate Program Undergraduate Courses Marine Science Career Information Regular, Joint-Staffed and Adjunct Faculty Graduate and Undergraduate Students Research and ...
Providing Science that is respected, relevant and responsive, Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, monitoring all aspects of Marine, Freshwater Fisheries and Environment. Including Aquaculture, Fish Behaviour, Fish Diseases, Gear, Oceanography and Sonar for The Scottish Executive ...
Faculty of natural sciences, natural science, university of stirling, stirling, stirling university, teaching, research, aquaculture, aquatic science, aquatic veterinary studies, aquatic pathobiology, biochemistry, biology, psychology, education, chemistry, conservation, conservation management, conservation science, ecology, environmental chemistry, environmental management, environmental ...
Cartas Nauticas Documentac o Dados-on-line Avisos Navegantes Hidromar Projectos Organizac o Revendedores Pesquisa INSTITUTO HIDROGR FICO Laborat rio do Estado que se dedica ao estudo das Ciencias e Tecnologias do Mar. Telefone - Phone : +351 210943000 FAX: +351 210943299 Endereco - Postal Address: Rua das Trinas, 49 - 1249-093 Lisboa - Portugal Contactos - Electronic mail webmaster@hidrografico.
North Atlantic Fisheries College, research, development, training and education in the fisheries industries ...
Welcome to New England's leading marine biology program at the Marine Science Center of Northeastern University. Located on the peninsula of Nahant, Massachusetts, Northeastern's Marine Science Center is a part of the College of Arts and Sciences with faculty members having appointments in the Department of Biology. Faculty/Staff | MSC History | Events | Applications | Directions Northeastern ...
INSTITUTE OF OCEANOLOGY Polish Academy of Sciences Sopot , Poland Address: Powstancow Warszawy 55, 81-712 Sopot, Poland, P.O. Box 68 Telephone: operator (+48 58) 551 72 81, Director (+48 58) 550 32 32 Fax: (+48 58) 551 21 30 E-mail: office@iopan.gda.pl The Institute General information on the institute ECSA 34 Symposium September 15-20, 2002 Estuaries and other brackish areas - pollution ...
Welcome! Program Overview Students and Alumni Faculty, Staff and Research Graduate Courses Ph.D. Program PostDoctoral Program AOS Computing AOS577 Class Employment click this logo = return to this homepage For over three decades, training the world's leading experts in the science and modeling of the earth's atmosphere and oceans. . AOS is a joint program of NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics ...
Ocean Remote Sensing Group / Space Department Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory The Ocean Remote Sensing Group conducts research associated with civilian and military applications of remote sensing technology in the marine environment. Imagery from the NOAA AVHRR Sea Surf. Temp. Overviews Dynatrack Hurricanes Image Gallery SAR Ocean Imagery AK SAR Demo RADARSAT '99 SAR Symp.
Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography entry page ...
A Guide to Healthy Eating of the Fish You Catch 2002 Fluke Tournament Information Marine and Coastal Weather Service United We Stand New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium Sandy Hook Field Station Building #22 Fort Hancock, NJ 07732 (732) 872-1300 You are visitor . 2002 NJMSC. All Rights Reserved. Last Updated: 07/23/02 ...
Table of Contents INFORMATION ABOUT THE BARUCH INSTITUTE Mission Statement Overview Facilities & Infrastructure Baruch Briefs 2001 Directions & Contact Information Personnel Annual Report 2000 INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS, RESEARCHERS & VISITING SCIENTISTS Publications & Library Resources Data, Maps & Research Resources Visiting Investigators & Classes Student Support & Opportunities Research ...
Number of visitors: (since 98/12/15). ...
Bamfield Marine Station... ...
A Coastal Engineering and Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory ...
English Francais Important Notices Avis importants ...
At the Centre for Marine Studies, staff and students have access to some of Australia's most pristine marine environments.
Nova Southeastern University's Oceanographic Center pursues studies in experimental and theoretical oceanography ...
Last update 16 May, 2002 tethys@tethys.org All photos in this site Tethys Research Institute do not copy, use or circulate without permission private area ...
University of Connecticut's Department of Marine Sciences ...
You are here: MUMM Main sections The North Sea Mathematical models Monitoring Management of the marine environment Other sections North Sea Photo Gallery and e-cards News Contact us Related links Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Federal office for scientific, technical and cultural affairs Recommend us Send this page by e-mail ...
Beschrijving ...
Hrvatski hidrografski institut - Hydrographic institute of the Republic of Croatia. Charts maps plans, nautical charts and handbooks, coastal charts sailing charts, charts of Adriatic Sea, Dalmatia Split Dubrovnik Istria, oceanography hydrography safety of navigation ...
The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO) focuses on fundamental, strategic research into ...
Updates COT noted by StPete.org as leader in MEMS research Visit Marine Sensor Related Websites City Council Presentation - 16 April 2002 View a presentation from our MEMS conference Mission The Center for Ocean Technology (COT) provides engineering support and expertise to the University of South Florida's (USF) Marine Science College. Contact 140 7th Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5016 ...
Ocean Sciences at UC Santa Cruz Ocean Sciences Department Earth & Marine Sciences Building A-312 (office) / A-316 (mail room) University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (831) 459-4730 Academic Program Descriptions Overview Ocean Sciences PhD Program Marine Sciences Masters Program Undergraduate Program Ocean Sciences Course Descriptions Faculty Ocean Sciences Core Faculty Affiliated Faculty ...
L'IUEM La Recherche L'Observation L'Enseignement L'Actualite : Conferences Lettre de l'IUEM Publications Remarquables Ev nements RITMER Southern Ocean JGOFS Projects : ECCO, KEOPS Contact La Recherche Programmes de recherche inseres dans des programmes nationaux, europeens et internationaux. En savoir + L'Observation Le suivi long terme de la variabilite du milieu littoral physique, chimique et ...
Home page for the Ocean Modeling and Prediction Laboratory ...
Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sciences Graduate Department (ECOS) University of Massachusetts Boston General Information Admissions Information Curriculum Ph.D. Program M.S. Program Courses Spring 2002 Course Schedule - Graduate Spring 2002 Course Schedule - Undergraduate Fall 2002 Course Schedule - Graduate ECOS Department Courses Courses in other Departments Fall 2001 Seminar Series Spring ...
Beskrivande text ...
The Center for Tropical Marine Ecology is located on the campus of Bremen University in Bremen, Germany. It documents the growing German research interests in the structure and function of tropical marine ecosystems and their responses to human impact.
Jaegersborgvej 64-66, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby - Phone: +45 33 96 33 00, Fax: +45 33 96 33 49 Information: info@dfu.min.dk - Webmaster: webmaster@dfu.min.dk Photo by Stig Mellergaard; the photo shows eel gills infected with Pseudodactylogyrus, a monogeneous fluke. Best seen in: Danmarks Fiskeriunders gelser DFU Danish Institute for Fisheries Research DIFRES ...
Forthcoming seminars. There are a number of Physical Oceanographers at UEA in the School of Mathematics, the School of Environmental Sciences and the Climate Research Unit. Some of us are involved in the following projects: COAPEC (Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Processes and European Climate The OCCAM project (The Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modelling Project) The FRAM project (A Fine ...
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Maritimes Region ...
Cette page utilise des cadres, mais votre navigateur ne les prend pas en charge. ...
Organization Join MERI Contact Us Our Wish List Related Links MERI Center for Marine Studies Current News MERI Research Research Center Cruises MERI Kids International Career Opportunities Internships The Marine Environmental Research Institute is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to scientific research and education on the impacts of pollution on marine life, and to protecting the ...
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences About our department Staff Undergraduate program Graduate program Facilities Seminars Positions available Announcements Student Newsletter Want to know more about how to apply to McGill Welcome to the new official Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences web site! The Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences undertakes a broad range of research activities in the ...
Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Sevastopol ...
Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute The Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute (AUSI), formerly the Marine Systems Engineering Laboratory (MSEL), is a not-for-profit research institute focused on promoting commercial applications of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), platforms and sensors. Our mission is to function as an independent unbiased focal point for research, education and ...
Marine Resources Development Foundation's goal is to help improve the quality of life on earth through education and the responsible use of marine resources for food, fresh water, energy, minerals, and medicine.
Home News Teaching Research Staff Alumni Thesis titles Diving Club Links Search Sims Home University Home Welcome to the Offshore Technology Centre at Cranfield University, one of the UK's leading university departments specialising in engineering, science and technologies associated with the offshore and marine sectors. A postgraduate only group, the Offshore Technology Centre offers research, ...
The research and conservation of the Oceans and the living organisms, in the Region of the Azorean Archipelago, is the ultimate goal of the marine scientists from the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries of the University of the Azores (DOP/UAc), established in 1976.
Department of Ocean Engineering at Florida Atlantic University General Overview, including a history of the OE department.
Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute (TNFRI) Conditions about Fishery (in Japanese) Saury Mackerel Conditions Tohoku Sea Area in Japan(in Japanese) Ocean Report for the Mixed Water Region Off Tohoku Temp Field Groundfish Way to TNFRI (in Japanese) Way to Hachinohe br. (in Japanese) Organization of TNFRI Calendar (in Japanese) TNFRI NEWS (in Japanese) Studies Square(in Japanese) VENFISH ...
Huntsman Marine Science Centre ...
Award-winning activities, lessons, instructional materials, and resources for teaching science through the marine environment.
OCEANOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT HUMBOLDT STATE UNIVERSITY Humboldt State University is the only campus in the California State University system to offer an undergraduate major in oceanography. The university is noted for its friendly atmosphere and proximity to Redwood National Park. The program is supported by a diverse faculty, a marine laboratory in the nearby town of Trinidad, and the 90-foot long ...
Home Classes Seminars Faculty Staff Students Program Undergraduate Graduate MSUS M.A.R.E USC Links News & Events Ocean Links Funding Search Program Director: Dr. Bj rn Kjerfve Graduate Director: Dr. Joseph M. Quattro Interim Undergraduate Director (1 Jul - 31 Dec 2002): Dr. George Voulgaris The Marine Science Program (MSCI) in the College of Science and Mathematics at the University of South ...
La pagina corrente utilizza i frame. Questa caratteristica non supportata dal browser in uso. ...
Faculty of Fisheries Welcomes Your Visit!! Aulacocephalus temmincki from the Glover's Atlas (Property of the Library, Nagasaki University) { \ O W v Site launched: July 3, 1995 The local date and time: Friday, June 14, 2002 12:38:19 (JST) Times Visited Today: Times Visited Since Jan. 5, '96: Copyright: 1995 to 2002, FACULTY OF FISHERIES, NAGASAKI UNIVERSITY. Unless otherwise noted, All ...
Japan Hydrographic Association Japanese Opening of Marine Information Research Center Outline of Marine Information Research Center Contact Information Demonstration of 3D Panorama Topography ICIWP'99 Surface Temperature of the World Ocean (Icosahedron) Copyright(C) Marine Information Research Center, Japan Hydrographic Association. All Rights Reserved. Send feedback to mirc@mirc.jha.or.jp. ...
North Sea Centre Introduction News Institutions Facilities Contact Welcome to the North Sea Centre The North Sea Centre is a Danish research and development centre providing research, development, consultancy services, and technical support to public and private institutions and companies within the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. The North Sea Centre is a private foundation. The centre was ...
Strona glowna Instytutu Oceanografii Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego ...
Welcome to the NRIFSF Home Page! National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, Shimizu, Japan Click and you can see the access map to our lab. outline International Krill Workshop ADDRESS National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries , Fisheries Research Agency 7-1, Orido 5 chome, Shimizu, SHIZUOKA 424-8633 JAPAN Phone : 81(Japan)-(0)543-36-6000 Fax @ : 81(Japan)-(0)543-35-9642 Other ...
Coastal and Estuarine Research Unit, Department of Geography, University College London ...
IECS is a research and consultancy organisation specialising in the coast and estuarine environment ...
Universit degli Studi di Pavia Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche Ambientali Via Taramelli 24 - 27100 Pavia - Italy e-mail : web@cibra.unipv.it Marine Bioacoustics and Acoustical Oceanography The CIBRA - Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche Ambientali (Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research) was founded in 1988 by the University of ...
Avis Important Important Notices ...
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia The scientific institution established for the investigation of the sea (Adriatic sea mainly). Also display real time measured meteo-oceanographic parameters (every 10 min!) ...
Coastal Research Laboratory ...
Research by graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in fisheries management at Simon Fraser University on risk assessment and decision analysis.
What's new Hokkaido University map restaurant map About our division Introduction Information/Admission info. Personnel in this division Links Hokkaido University Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science Meteorology and Oceanography Links maintainer@Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University e-mail: eoas_web@ees.hokudai.ac.jp ...
Keith Walters - Chair Department Office: 105 Smith Science Building 843.349.2219 P.O. Box 261954 Conway, SC 29528 Coastal Carolina has the largest undergraduate marine science program on the East Coast. Marine Science at Coastal applies courses from biology, chemistry, geology, physics, mathematics, as well as marine science to the study of the ocean environment. Lecture, laboratory, and field ...
Cardiff Marine Institute Geology, Geography, Geophysics, Geochemistry. Integrated studies of the linked earth-ocean-atmosphere system, the management of its resources and its impact on society. People Prof. Adam Schultz Dr Huw Davies Dr Neil Mitchell Gwen Pettigrew Phil Taylor Dave Oldham (PhD student) Job opportunities DEOS Dynamics of Earth Ocean Systems. Global observations of the oceans EOS ...
Welcome to the Centre for Marine and Coastal Zone Management http://www.abdn.ac.uk/cmczm/ http://www.cmczm.co.uk/ This site is flash enabled, if you would like to see the flash movie, click on 'Flash Enabled'. If you would like to progress straight to the site, click on 'No Flash'. Flash Enabled No Flash ...
Message from the Chief Director A Brief History Undergraduate Courses /Advanced Course/Graduate School CAMPUS MAP Training Ships Library Multimedia Network Center International Exchanges Access Guide More Information National Fisheries University Address Phone number : : 2-7-1 Nagata-Honmachi, Shimonoseki 759-6595, Japan. 81-832-86-5111 people visited to this page, since 1 June 2000. (c)Copyright ...
The Fisheries Laboratory The main tasks of the Fisheries Laboratory are to carry out research in fishery biology, oceanography, and aquaculture, to advise the authorities and industry, and to report on the research results. The investigations which are carried out provide a basis for the most responsible exploitation of the fish stocks around the Faroes. Assessments are made of the most ...
English / Japanese summary news by RealPlayer department location P | P CIkegami-Cho CToba City CMie Prefecture C517-8501 CJapan Copyright @(C) 1997 Toba National College of Maritime Technology All right @reserved. ...
This page outlines several research projects in which Peter JS Jones is involved concerning integrated coastal and estuarine management.
Geophysical fluid dynamics Copyright 1995, University of Oslo, Norway. All rights reserved. Most of the activity within this field at Mechanics Division, Univerisity of Oslo, is related directly to the oil activity on the Norwegian continental shelf. The oil industry and the Norwegian Research Council has funded many of the research projects on ocean modelling and prediction of waves and ...
Copyright 2000, School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University, Calcutta - 700 032 Phone: 91-33-4720628, Fax: 4731484, e-mail : iczom@cal2.vsnl.net.in Site best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.x and Netscape Navigator 4.x in 800 x 600 Site developed by BRAINWARE, 28 Camac Street, Calcutta - 700 016 Phone: 91-33-2471267/2803423, e-mail : p_mookherjee@hotmail.com Announcing a course on ...
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics Department of Physics Physical Oceanography Research in physical oceanography Our primary research interests are in describing the state of the global ocean in space and time and understanding the dynamic and thermodynamic processes that maintain this state. Ultimately, we are motivated to understand the ocean's role in Earth's climate and the physical ...
College Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka - Croatia ...
RIJEKA CROATIA Webmasters: Sule & Kiki ...
Overview What's New Student Facility Department Staff People Address: 1-2 Ebie Neriya, Shinminato, Toyama, 933-0293 JAPAN We are welcome to your comments, suggestions and bug reports. To reach us, please e-mail to webmaster@toyama-cmt.ac.jp . Copyright(C) ...
Vero Beach Marine Laboratory (VBML) The Vero Beach Marine Laboratory (VBML) is a field laboratory established in 1981 in support of marine science research and education for the academic programs and research institutes of Florida Institute of Technology. The facility is administered through the Division of Marine and Environmental Systems located on the main campus of the university in ...