- Institutt for fiskeri- og marinbiologi (IFM) holder til i H yteknologisenteret i Bergen. Instituttet har som form l drive forskning og gi undervisning innen fagomr dene marinbiologi, fiskeribiologi og akvakultur inkl. fiskehelse. Hurtig linker til noen av sidene v re Seminar IFM Bulletin Board LSF Batmare Sarsia Norske navn p marine evertebrater Norad diploma course Velkommen til IFMs ...www.ifm.uib.no
- Geophysical fluid dynamics Copyright 1995, University of Oslo, Norway. All rights reserved. Most of the activity within this field at Mechanics Division, Univerisity of Oslo, is related directly to the oil activity on the Norwegian continental shelf. The oil industry and the Norwegian Research Council has funded many of the research projects on ocean modelling and prediction of waves and ...www.math.uio.no/avdb/en/Research/geophys