- Cartas Nauticas Documentac o Dados-on-line Avisos Navegantes Hidromar Projectos Organizac o Revendedores Pesquisa INSTITUTO HIDROGR FICO Laborat rio do Estado que se dedica ao estudo das Ciencias e Tecnologias do Mar. Telefone - Phone : +351 210943000 FAX: +351 210943299 Endereco - Postal Address: Rua das Trinas, 49 - 1249-093 Lisboa - Portugal Contactos - Electronic mail webmaster@hidrografico.www.hidrografico.pt
- The research and conservation of the Oceans and the living organisms, in the Region of the Azorean Archipelago, is the ultimate goal of the marine scientists from the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries of the University of the Azores (DOP/UAc), established in 1976.www.horta.uac.pt