Rethinking Schools is a nonprofit, independent publisher of educational materials. We advocate the reform of elementary and secondary education, with a strong emphasis on issues of equity and socialjustice.
The Public Education Network's Web site is an accessible, interactive citizen's gateway to the world of public school reform and local education funds.
Visit Our Writing/Reading Workshop Project Explore middle grades reading and writing with other educators in our year-long chat! And follow the weekly journal of a our Workshop teacher/coach. Join our circle of professional friends at the MiddleWeb Listserv! Read a recent chat about some best lessons from last year. Some Advice for New Teachers Sixth-grade inner-city teacher Ellen Berg reflects ...
Mathematics Education Dialogues is an open forum for the exchange of points of view about issues in mathematics education. It provides essays about compelling, complex, and timely topics in mathematics education that transcend grade levels. Dialogues does not present official policies of NCTM. The Editorial Panel strives to have many viewpoints represented. Dialogues invites responses to each ...
Improving science, mathematics, and technology education for the future. Popular Online: Science for All Americans Online Benchmarks Online Blueprints Online Evaluation of Science and Mathematics Textbooks Online Dialogue on Early Childhood Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Online Proceedings of the AAAS Technology Education Research Conference (2000) Keep Informed: Sign up here to ...
Dedicated the re-envisioning the Ph.D. to meet the societal needs of the 21st century ...
The Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University promotes and advocates the serious redesign of American schooling. It is involved in projects relating to redesign of the school district, educational leadership, connecting schools to community assets, rethinking accountability, comprehensive school reform designs and the Annenberg Challenge.
200 West Morgan Street, Suite 204 , Raleigh, NC 27601 Phone: 919-828-3876; Fax: 919-821-5117 Inquiry #12 on Faculty Compensation George Leef's Letter to William Stanley Inquiry # 9 on the University Bonds Inquiry # 5 on Financing Higher Education Clarion, the Pope Center's bimonthly magazine November/December 2000 Clarion Call, a weekly electronic newsletter Current Issue: July 27, 2001 Search ...
There is a mathematically correct solution This web site is devoted to the concerns raised by parents and scientists about the invasion of our schools by the New-New Math and the need to restore basic skills to math education. Mathematically Correct is the informal, nationwide organization that fights the Establishment on behalf of sanity and quality in math education. -- David Gelernter, NY ...
Irreverent commentary on the state of education in America today.
EEE Choose... -------------------- DO THIS NOW - Sign the petition - Tell your friends -------------------- HEA INFORMATION - What is the HEA - What student governments support HEA reform - What is the Coalition for HEA Reform -------------------- GET INVOLVED - Our legislative strategy STUDENTS - Sign the petition - Download the packet - Have your student government vote for reform - Tell ...
The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization of Kentucky parents and citizens working to improve education in the Commonwealth at all levels.
This page is the table of contents to Prisoners of Time: Report of the National Education Commission on Time and Learning.
For Further Information: Phone: (619) 276-5296 8a.m.-3:30p.m. (pacific) Mon. - Thurs. Fax: (858) 571-5754 E-mail: P.O. Box 711386 San Diego, CA 92171-1386 National Association for Year-Round Education (N.A.Y.R.E) And National Center for Study of Time & Learning Present the 34th Annual Conference February 8 - 12, 2003 GENERAL OPENING SESSION Gene Wilhoit Kentucky Commissioner of ...
The Partnership for Kentucky Schools, voice of the business community in Kentucky education ...
Look for our most recent publications: The New Competition for College , State Legislatures, May 2002: 12-17. Humanizing the Spectre of the Market , International Higher Education, Spring 2002: 11-13. New England's Higher Education Reputation is in Jeopardy , Connection, 16.2 (Spring 2002): 13-17. ...
Reforming campus academic life and student housing by dividing large universities into small faculty-led residential colleges.
The Learning Community Commons website is a resource for learning community projects in higher education across the United States.
Organization of college, university, and high school students restoring high academic standards and humanistic study of the liberal arts in the Western tradition -- publishes ARGOS, a cool student e-journal.
The Case Against Block Scheduling: An Educational Fad that Hurts Academic Performance.
Home page of The National Academy for Academic Leadership: Leadership that Transforms Learning ...
ACTA is a nonprofit educational organization committed to academic freedom and excellence on college and university campuses. It supports programs and policies that encourage high academic standards, strong curricula, and the free exchange of ideas.
Tuition-free MIT an exploration of some ideas by Philip Greenspun At Left: Three MIT undergrads and the wardrobe they were able to purchase after paying their term bill. What would the Massachusetts Institute of Technology look like if we did not charge undergraduates tuition First, let's consider how we look now. We set a very high price, sometimes after discussion with or following the lead ...
An eye-opening and well-documented exposé about what could happen to your children when they are sent to even the best colleges in the country. Kors and Silverglate demonstrate that when these colleges, purportedly devoted to liberal education, treat students in disciplinary proceedings, they make the notorious Star Chamber seem liberal in comparison. A wake-up call for parents, students, ...
What citizens need to know about education reform, school to work, early childhood education, Medicaid, and the restructuring of America.
Campaign for Real Education homepage The Campaign for Real Education was formed in 1987 to press for higher standards and more parental choice in state education. The Campaign is not affiliated to any political party and is funded entirely by voluntary donations. Latest news More about the Campaign for Real Education Educational philosophies Reading and basic literacy What about standards What ...
Frank presentation of issues facing parents, taxpayers and schools in reforming schools into the twenty-first century.
An Update on the Bridge Project Bridge Project researchers are analyzing data and conducting crosscutting analyses with data collected from 18 community colleges and universities and 28 K-12 schools in six states. Look for the following products in winter 2002: a book outlining the problem, research and findings a toolkit to help policymakers assess K-16 alignment resources for students, parents ...
Research for Action (RFA) is a Philadelphia-based non-profit organization engaged in educational research and reform to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for all students.
MEDIA= screen /A /A ...
University Secrets is the full text of a book describing higher education's failure to educate students and its exploitive tranfers of funds. It criticizes grades, SATs, tracking, and housing policies.
Year Round, Education, Balanced Calendar, Modified Calendar, Extended School Year, Year-Round School Opposition, Year Round School Opponents, School Calendar, Summer Learning Loss, Overcrowded Schools, Year-Round School Test Scores, Year-Round School Reject List, NAEP, National Assessment for Education Progress, Intersession, Latchkey Kids, Gangs, Education Inequities ...
Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement Block Scheduling Question & Answer Schools Discussion Research & Resources CAREI University of Minnesota Block Scheduling Question & Answer List of the most frequently asked questions and answers about block scheduling. Schools Lists schools in Minnesota and around the country currently using block scheduling. Also provides links to school ...
Why subject adult franchise to qualification by examination. Further human social advance may be dependant upon such radical change.
Articles describing the decay of education in the western world circa 2000.
Human interconnectedness and innovations in higher education are explored in essay collections covering alternatives to the current trend toward making education an industry and insights into re-humanizing community education efforts, as well as aphorisms and quotables, and extensive links to Web resources on a global and local level.
Is It Good for the Kids is a monthly column by ASCD Executive Director Gene R. Carter, which addresses timely educational issues. Below you will find the current and previous issues of the series. August 2002 Content Knowledge Without Pedagogy Shortchanges Students This ASCD opinion-brief critiques the U.S. Department of Education's definition of a quality teacher and argues that teachers ...
New Report: Education reform working in Massachusetts for most students; More innovation needed for urban, special needs and vocational students Written by Dr. Robert D. Gaudet, Senior Research Analyst, UMass Donahue Institute A Study of Student Performance Relative to District Demography on the 2001 MCAS Assesments: The Fourth Annual Report Written by Dr. Robert D. Gaudet, Senior Research ...
AIM NEWS! Waltham Middle School teachers attend Intel Summer Training. Read More! MLK teacher Jodie Moorehead pioneering the use of iPaq handheld computers in classroom. Read More! Armstrong Middle School Shadow Day. Read More! Our vision is to build strong learning communities to improve student performance. AIM's mission is to create high peforming middle-grades schools that are academically ...
Outline curriculum for citizenship and commentary. A document planned as the central switching junction to a sound curriculum for citizenship studies ...
Kappan Home PDK Home Block Scheduling Revisited By J. Allen Queen All those with a stake in education must work to improve a scheduling format that offers great potential for student success. Mr. Queen provides some guidelines. IN THE October 1997 Kappan, Kim Gaskey and I outlined the major steps for improving school climate through block scheduling, and these steps remain imperative for schools ...
This article has been retrieved ...
Making Schools Work Better for All Children A Nation Still At Risk An Education Manifesto April 30, 1998 Fifteen years ago this month, the National Commission on Excellence in Education declared the United States a nation at risk. That distinguished citizens' panel admonished the American people that the educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of ...
WASL Test scores as outgrowths of curricular and school program design. Standardized testing, WASL testing and student achievement.
Save Our Schools is a non-profit organization dedicated to help our public schools systems.
Official web site for the National Campaign for Customized Education ...
Judicial activism ruined America's public schools ...
The Overcoming Obstacles program was created by the Community for Education Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded in 1992 to motivate children to dream of significant accomplishments and to provide them with the skills they need to achieve their goals.
ASEE reports on corruption within the National Education Association and is a brutally frank discussion of the evils found in our schools.
Year Round Schools Cost-effectiveness of Year Round Schooling, An Annotated Bibliography and Synthesis of the Research, by Charlie Naylor , May 1995. Do Year Round Schools Improve Student Learning An Annotated Bibliography and Synthesis of the Research, by Charlie Naylor, May 1995. Efficiency Scheduling in B.C.An Update, by Charlie Naylor, October 1997 School Organization Alternatives: A ...
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is the governoring body for all public K-12 schools in North Carolina. They provide information and support to North Carolina's public schools. ...
Essay, Learning, Barriers to Education Reform, K-12, Politics of Public Education, Bureaucratic Intertia, Achieving Educational Objectives .
Higher education performance Grant Highlights Grantee Press Releases Grantee Reports Newspaper/Magazine Articles Op-eds (grantee) Pew Press Releases Pew-produced Publications Summaries of Reports and Publications more ideas... Campaign finance Journalism K-12 education New immigrants Supporting artists Welfare reform Youth engagement Global warming Religion in pub... The Internet Tracking ...
The American people have long demanded ...
Here we explore why a more innovative and progressive approach to education is held back by an institutional mindset that is threatened by, and even hostile to, revolutionary changes.
Law of educational malpractice in the USA ...
The Lancasterian Monitorial System of Education Portrait of Joseph Lancaster Qui docet, discit He who teaches, learns Joseph Lancaster (1778-1838) led a movement to establish schools that used what he called the Monitorial System, sometimes called the Lancasterian or Lancastrian System, in which more advanced students taught less advanced ones, enabling a small number of adult masters to ...
Rutgers After Lawrence An Open Letter to Eugene O'Hara Dear Mr. O'Hara: As you know, the recent resignation of Francis Lawrence has prompted a great deal of speculation about the future course of Rutgers. Having talked to a large number of students, faculty, and alumni, I sense strong agreement that it is time for everyone who cares about Rutgers -- both those on the Board of Governors who ...
Education - Teachers - Public School - HOME PAGE ...
Section XII 95-EI-02 Cost Effectiveness of Year-Round Schooling An Annotated Bibliography and Synthesis of the Research By Charlie Naylor, BCTF Research and Technology Division May 1995 What does the research say about cost effectiveness of year round schooling Some of the literature on this issue is clearly promoting YRS, with little detailed analysis of savings or increased expenditure for ...
Terri L. Miller, Ed.D. Educator and Writer Creating excellent learning environments one school at a time Students have four fundamental rights concerning their education: 1. Students have a right to have outstanding teachers. 2. Students have a right to be educated in a clean and safe environment. 3. Students have a right to be academically challenged. 4. Students have a right to be responsible ...
, Public schools are under attack and with good reason. The legislators are making decisions without understanding what is really happening in the schools today. No corporation would stay in business long if run the way our public schools are run. - dewey decimal 370.973379.73 ...
Using the Delphi Technique to Achieve Consensus -- November Education Reporter ...
The Student Diversity Program (SDP) at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) is a program primarily concerned with the low rate of graduation among the 'at-risk' student population. The SDP was originally designed to assist African American athletes, but now has expanded to assist 'at-risk' students from within the diverse CSUF student population.
Banking University of Illinois College of Medicine Expose This is brief expose of the practices occurring at the University of Illinois College of Medicine (UICOM) in the 90s. The main problem occurring at the College is that medical students are not allowed to sign or review the clinical evaluations with the preceptors. Hence, it is possible to falsify and alter evaluations, which does occur.
Save our schools through success orientation.