Mathematics Education Dialogues is an open forum for the exchange of points of view about issues in mathematics education. It provides essays about compelling, complex, and timely topics in mathematics education that transcend grade levels. Dialogues does not present official policies of NCTM. The Editorial Panel strives to have many viewpoints represented. Dialogues invites responses to each ...
Improving science, mathematics, and technology education for the future. Popular Online: Science for All Americans Online Benchmarks Online Blueprints Online Evaluation of Science and Mathematics Textbooks Online Dialogue on Early Childhood Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Online Proceedings of the AAAS Technology Education Research Conference (2000) Keep Informed: Sign up here to ...
There is a mathematically correct solution This web site is devoted to the concerns raised by parents and scientists about the invasion of our schools by the New-New Math and the need to restore basic skills to math education. Mathematically Correct is the informal, nationwide organization that fights the Establishment on behalf of sanity and quality in math education. -- David Gelernter, NY ...
An Update on the Bridge Project Bridge Project researchers are analyzing data and conducting crosscutting analyses with data collected from 18 community colleges and universities and 28 K-12 schools in six states. Look for the following products in winter 2002: a book outlining the problem, research and findings a toolkit to help policymakers assess K-16 alignment resources for students, parents ...
AIM NEWS! Waltham Middle School teachers attend Intel Summer Training. Read More! MLK teacher Jodie Moorehead pioneering the use of iPaq handheld computers in classroom. Read More! Armstrong Middle School Shadow Day. Read More! Our vision is to build strong learning communities to improve student performance. AIM's mission is to create high peforming middle-grades schools that are academically ...
Outline curriculum for citizenship and commentary. A document planned as the central switching junction to a sound curriculum for citizenship studies ...
The Overcoming Obstacles program was created by the Community for Education Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded in 1992 to motivate children to dream of significant accomplishments and to provide them with the skills they need to achieve their goals.