- www.pch.gc.ca
- www.chin.gc.ca
- The Canada Council offers a broad range of grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations in dance, interdisciplinary and performance art, media arts, music, theatre, visual arts, and writing and publishing. Le Conseil offre aux artistes et aux organismes artistiques professionnels canadiens une gamme etendue de subventions et de services en danse, en ...www.canadacouncil.ca
- Important Notices/Avis importants Reproductions/Reproductions ...national.gallery.ca
- www.pch.gc.ca/sportcanada
- www.exchanges.gc.ca
- www.pch.gc.ca/ycw-jct
- If you wish to report a technical problem or have comments or suggestions, please send them to: offlangoff@pch.gc.ca Vous pouvez signaler un probleme technique ou faire parvenir vos commentaires ou suggestions en envoyant le tout par courrier electronique au : offlangoff@pch.gc.ca 1999 The Department of Canadian Heritage / Le ministere du Patrimoine canadien ...www.pch.gc.ca/offlangoff